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Your Family History Helps Us Protect Your Eyes


You may have inherited a knack for cooking from your parents, but it’s also possible you inherited certain eye disease risks. Many Eye Conditions Have Genetic Links Does someone in your family— a parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt—have AMD (Age-related macular degeneration)? If so, your risk of developing AMD goes up significantly! Has someone in [...]

Your Family History Helps Us Protect Your Eyes2015-05-14T19:20:52+00:00

The LASIK Decision: What to Ask Your Doctor


The decision to have LASIK is no small one, and should be made like any other healthcare decision. At Whitsett Vision Group, we keep our patients informed. Even before you schedule an appointment, here are some basic questions to consider: “Am I a LASIK candidate?” A thorough examination will be necessary to make sure LASIK [...]

The LASIK Decision: What to Ask Your Doctor2015-04-30T14:52:13+00:00

Those Funny Floating Things: Eye Floaters, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment


Eye floaters, spots occurring in your visual field, can affect us all as we age, including those of us with otherwise perfect eye health. They are usually nothing more than an annoyance, but can become more serious if not brought to the attention of an eye care professional and treated effectively. Today, we’re going to [...]

Those Funny Floating Things: Eye Floaters, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment2015-04-29T20:39:45+00:00

Understanding the Differences between Ophthalmology and Optometry


There was a time when going to the eye doctor was thought of as the annual eye exam or to get new eyeglasses. Sometimes you went to the Ophthalmologist and other times to the Optometrist. Today, eye care has advanced to an extent which brings the roles of each to the forefront. Considering both are referred [...]

Understanding the Differences between Ophthalmology and Optometry2015-04-30T14:55:50+00:00

The Do(s) and Don’t(s) of Wearing Contacts


More than 34 million people in the US wear contacts every day. These lenses have come a long way since they were first manufactured in 1887 as a glass lens that covered the entire eye. Nowadays, consumers have an astounding variety of lenses to choose from: Gas permeable, silicone hydrogel, daily, weekly, the list goes [...]

The Do(s) and Don’t(s) of Wearing Contacts2015-04-29T20:13:41+00:00

When Should My Child Have Their Eyes Checked?


According to the American Public Health Association, one out of four students (25%) have visual problems that are serious enough to impede learning. Even more frightening is that a majority of these children pass their school vision screenings with “20/20 vision” with little to no difficulty. The public sometimes defines “20/20” vision as “good vision” [...]

When Should My Child Have Their Eyes Checked?2015-04-17T20:51:54+00:00

Legal Blindness: Who Qualifies?


Normal vision, or 20/20, means a person sees the smallest letters or pictures on an eye chart when standing 20 feet away from the chart. Some people cannot see normally, even with glasses or contacts, because a medical condition affects their vision. These people are called visually impaired or visually handicapped. If a visual handicap [...]

Legal Blindness: Who Qualifies?2015-04-17T20:51:54+00:00

What is Pink Eye?


Pink eye, the common name for conjunctivitis, is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, the outer, normally clear covering of the sclera, the white part of the eye. The eye appears pink in conjunctivitis because the blood vessels are dilated. Pink eye is often accompanied by a discharge, but vision is usually normal, and [...]

What is Pink Eye?2015-04-17T20:51:54+00:00

How to Correctly Use Eyedrops


Infections, inflammation, glaucoma, and many other eye disorders are treated with eye drops. Surprisingly, even the small amount of medication in an eye drop can create significant side effects in other parts of the body. It is important to remember that all medicines have side effects. There are ways to decrease the absorption of the [...]

How to Correctly Use Eyedrops2015-04-17T20:51:54+00:00