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July is UV Safety Month


July is UV Safety Month While most people think about protecting their skin from the damaging UV rays, the eyes are often forgotten. The reality is that exposure to UV rays can cause significant damage to the eyes, including the development of cataracts, macular degeneration, and growths on the eye, including cancerous growths. While the [...]

July is UV Safety Month2021-07-19T15:15:11+00:00

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month


Throughout the U.S., more than 2,000 people suffer a job-related eye injury each day, with approximately 200-400 of these people suffering temporary or permanent vision loss. At Whitsett Vision Group, we want to bring awareness to this issue, and help prevent eye injuries in the workplace by reminding you that March is Workplace Eye Wellness [...]

March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month2020-03-02T16:30:51+00:00

Newer High-Tech Lens Implant Options For Cataract Patients


One of the most important developments in the history of cataract surgery, as well as one of the most significant for patients, was the introduction of the intraocular lens implant, or IOL. First invented in the 1940s, but gaining widespread acceptance only since the late 1970s, an IOL is an artificial lens placed into the [...]

Newer High-Tech Lens Implant Options For Cataract Patients2016-07-05T17:29:52+00:00