Aspheric Lens Implants
With the advanced TECNIS IOL, you have a better opportunity to get back sharper vision after cataract surgery. The TECNIS IOL provides innovative technology that improves your eye’s ability to see contrast.
One of the most important benefits of improved vision with the TECNIS Lens is safety. Many people who are in need of the TECNIS Lens are those who lack good functional vision. Functional vision is everyday, real-world vision, which includes low-light situations such as dining by candlelight or walking in a morning fog.
The TECNIS IOL is the only wavefront-designed lens with claims approved by the FDA for improved functional vision and night-driving simulator performance.
Good functional vision is especially important when driving at night. Based on the night-driving simulator study, the TECNIS Lens enables faster reaction time, providing a safer situation for older drivers. This improvement in vision may also improve safety in other low-visibility situations.
Ask your doctor or surgical counselor if the TECNIS Aspheric IOL may be right for you.